What is homeland? The land, the region you live in? Or just an imaginary place where your soul, your heart reaches peace, harmony? Or is homeland just something in your head, your emotions? Homeland is where my heart can rest in peace. As a real place it is the region I live in - in the north of Bavaria, in Germany, in the city of Hof. It is a land with a lot of hills, of farmland, well-used for economic purpose - but still very unique and inviting for contemplation. The seasons are intense, the windmills produce renewable energy and the charactre of the landscape is more distant than lovely. So the people are... The pics are all taken in the north of Hof, they show mostly the same landscape in different seasons and light.

All pics were taken with a Hasselblad 500 C/M from 1977, equipped with the digital back CFV-50 c. This medium format sensor gives 51.2 MP large files. I have six lenses in use:
Carl Zeiss C 4/40 Distagon
Carl Zeiss C 4/50 Distagon
Carl Zeiss C 2.8/80 Planar
Carl Zeiss CF 4/120 Makro-Planar
Carl Zeiss C 4/150 Sonnar
Carl Zeiss CF 5.6/250 Sonnar
Copyright to all pictures by Maximilian Busl