Beetle, Bug and Butterfly
The world of insects is almost endless. It is a strange world to man, it is unbelievable old and has its own rules. At a time when mankind was not in sight ants and mosquitos were on earth, and when mankind has ruined the climate and the enviroment and has vanished, ants and mosquitos will still be on earth. My favorites are butterflies, but I photograph all. I am impressed by the variety of insects and their endurance. Just have a look and enjoy. I hope the insects identification is correct. If you notice a mistake don't hesitate to tell me.

Big White - Großer Kohlweißling - Pieris brassicae

Common Green Bottle Fly - Goldfliege - Lucilia sericata

Common Blue Butterfly - Hauhechel-Bläuling - Polyommatus icarus

Great Green Bush-Cricket  - Großes Heupferd - Tettigonia viridissima

True Weevil - Rüsselkäfer - Larinus Planus (no common name - kein deutscher Name)

Stiletto Fly - Gemeiner Strauchdieb - Neoitamus cyanurus

Holly Blue - Faulbaum-Bläuling - Celastrina argiolus. This little butterfly is the national butterfly of Finland. Der Faulbaum-Bläuling ist der National-Schmetterling Finnlands.

European Honey Bee - Europäische Honigbiene - Apis mellifera

Heath Fritillary - Wachtelweizen-Scheckenfalter - Melitaea athalia

Phasia hemiptera - Wanzenfliege

Marbled White - Schachbrettfalter - Melanargia galathea

Five times New forest burnet - fünf Fünffleck-Widderchen - Zygaena viciae

Italian Striped Bug on a wild carrot - Streifenwanze auf einer wilden Möhre -  Graphosoma lineatum & Daucus carota

Green Rose Chafer - Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer - Cetonia aurata

Essex Skipper - Schwarzkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter - Thymelicus lineola

Byctiscus betulae - Rebenstecher - no english name found

Two common blue mating - Polyommatus icarus - Hauhechel-Bläuling

Old World Swallow Tail - Papilio machaon - Schwalbenschwanz

Lixus bardanae - neither german nor english name found

Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui - Distelfalter

Most of the pics were taken with
Nikon D 3s
Nikon D 850
Sigma 2.8/150 Macro
Sigma 2.8/180 Macro

The picture of Common Blue was taken with
Hasselblad 500 C/M
Carl Zeiss CF 4/120 Makro-Planar with 16mm Extension Tube an CFV 50-c digital back
All pics copyright by Maximilian Busl

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