Faroe - Black and White
Some black and white impressions from the Faroes. Some are with frame and signed, some are not, some are square - but I don't mind. :)

Never forget te men who lost their lives at the sea - graveyard at Sandavagur

Typical Faroe sky
Typical Faroe sky
Arriving at Kalsoy
Arriving at Kalsoy
The bay of Tjornuvik
The bay of Tjornuvik
Eidisvatn longing for the sea
Eidisvatn longing for the sea
Graveyard at Saksun
Graveyard at Saksun

Eidiskollur with Risin and Kellingin

Cairn near Nes
Cairn near Nes
Typical vegetation
Typical vegetation
Art and Landscape
Art and Landscape
As time goes by
As time goes by
Eidiskollur with Risin and Kellingin
Eidiskollur with Risin and Kellingin

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